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Women in International Justice & Accountability

The Asia Justice Coalition (AJC) secretariat has embarked on a four-year project entitled ‘Women Leaders In International Justice and Accountability: Increasing Avenues to International Justice and Accountability Through Women-Centred, Women-Led Legal Interventions’ (WIJA). This project is funded by a Co-Impact Gender Fund Grant. This grant is a recognition of our collective and ongoing work on international justice and accountability concerning Myanmar/Rohingya. The Gender Fund aims to transform systems to be more just and inclusive by supporting pre-dominantly women-led Global South Organizations with flexible funding.


The WIJA project will develop women’s leadership in international law by building expertise and facilitating constructive dialogue around critical issues of international justice and accountability in three jurisdictions in Asia.


This initiative builds women leaders in international law by constructing a formal network of women legal practitioners in three Global South jurisdictions - Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India. The initiative takes the following steps in each jurisdiction. 


It begins by creating a ‘project board’ of current women scholars and leaders working in international law. The initiative trains the project board in mentorship methods. The project board begins mentoring emerging women legal women practitioners. These emerging legal practitioners are also trained by the initiative in the basics of international justice and accountability. 


Then, a series of systems-mapping exercises are conducted with identified women-led civil society groups. The exercises identify dynamics preventing access to justice and accountability in three key legal areas: rights for refugees, other displaced persons, and minorities; mechanisms related to international criminal justice; and restorative or transitional justice. 


The initiative then designs 1-2 needs-based interventions in each jurisdiction. The interventions centre the ‘upskilling’ of the emerging women legal practitioners and answer the needs of the women-led civil society groups. They are introduced and championed to the larger network of international legal institutions. 

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