The Asia Justice Coalition works as a collective to amplify our members’ initiatives and their
efforts to advance international justice and human rights in Asia. We, therefore, provide
aggregated and updated information and news on the Coalition’s projects, activities and events.
The Asia Justice Coalition works as a collective to amplify our members’ initiatives and their
efforts to advance international justice and human rights in Asia. We, therefore, provide
aggregated and updated information and news on the Coalition’s projects, activities and events.
Academic Workshop on Increasing Avenues on
International Justice and Accountability in Asia

On 23–24 September, the Asia Justice Coalition and the Universitas Andalas (UNAND) co-organised a two-day academic workshop on ‘Increasing Avenues for International Justice and Accountability in Asia’ in Padang, Indonesia.
The workshop’s remit was deliberately broad, bringing together both experts in international criminal, humanitarian, and human rights law with practitioners, academics and students focussed on their domestic jurisdictions. It asked: what creative legal ‘hooks’ and restorative
justice approaches might be fruitful for preventing impunity for atrocity crimes in Asia?
The workshop witnessed participation from over 30 academicians and researchers hailing from 12 jurisdictions. Discussions at the workshop explored a wide range of topics, including universal jurisdiction, ecocide, corporate criminal liability, climate change, transitional justice, and sanctions and more.

The keynote address was delivered by Prof. Cheah W L (National University Singapore) entitled ‘Historical War Crimes prosecutions in Asia: A Snapshot of Trials in Singapore’, and Mr Marzuki Darusman delivered the insightful welcome address.

We are thankful to the Universitas Andalas, including the Vice Rector and Dean of the Law School, for a warm welcome and hosting and facilitating the conversations on justice and accountability.
A list of presenters and their topics of presentation is provided below.
Name | Topic |
Hans Giovanny Yosua | Universal Jurisdiction in Indonesia New Criminal Code: Challenge and Opportunity to Prosecute International Crimes |
Dr. Abdullah Nasir | Making of Genocidal Events in South Asia: Examining the Limitations of the International Legal Regime’ |
Rahul Desarda | The Creative Approach of Grassroots Movements in India to International Justice: A Broader Regional Reflection |
Kyra Jasper | Exploiting the Loophole: Vague Law as a Barrier for Judicial Accountability in Cases of Gross Human Rights Violations in Indonesia |
Abul Hasem | Authoritarian Repression in Bangladesh: A Human Rights Crisis Unfolding |
Dr. Muhammed Atiqur | The Imperative of Restorative Justice for Addressing Atrocities in Post- Conflict Bangladesh |
Amritansh | Punitive Domicide in ‘New India’: Home Demolition, a Crisis of Identity and Violation of Human Rights |
Nishandeny Ratnam | Transitional Justice as ‘Global Projects’ in Asia — A Comparative Study of East Timor and Sri Lanka |
Mohd Imran & Arunika Mishra | Reevaluating International Obligations: Reparations and Legal Accountability for Forced Migration |
Asma Al Amin | Ecocide: A Legal Protection for Rivers in Bangladesh |
Aaron Murphy | Atrocity Accountability in Southeast Asia: Lessons and Strategies from Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia |
Sendy Pratama Firdaus | Expanding the Arrangement of Corporate Criminal Liability in The New Criminal Code: Addressing Crimes Against Humanity in Indonesia |
Afeef Abdul Kader | Use of Sanctions Against Atrocity Crimes: Lessons from BDS Movement in Israel-Palestine Conflict |
Ishita Ghosh | Enhancing the Material Capacity of Human Rights Bodies in India with respect to Atrocities |
Qinyi Liu | Can Transitional Justice Pave the Way for Asia’s Embrace of International Criminal Accountability? |
Dr. Sudipta Roy Choudhwry | Enhancing International Justice and Accountability in Asia: Addressing the Rohingya Crisis through Creative Legal and Restorative Approaches |
Muhammad Aiman Zulkifli | Rethinking Universal Jurisdiction in the case for the Rohingyas |
Muhammad Ikhsan Alia, S.H., LL.M. | Market-Driven Humanitarian Action: Aligning Corporate Governance and Market Forces to Combat Atrocities |
Dr. Lucky Raspati, S.H., M.H. | Enhancing Indonesia’s Criminal Justice System: The Potential of Cumulative Prosecution for Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Addressing Core International Crimes and Terrorism |
Dr. Nani Mulyati, S.H.,
M.C.L. | Exploring Corporate Criminal Liability for Atrocity Crimes in Indonesia: Legal Framework and Challenges |
Akiko Ivana | Realization of LITIGASIA as Climate Litigation in preventing Mass Atrocity caused by Climate Change in the South East Asia Region |
Muhammad Ghanar | Corporate Accountability and Beyond: Legal Innovations in Addressing Atrocity Crimes |
Dr Edita Elda, S.H., M.H. | Mutual Legal Assistance in Transnational Crimes for International Justice in Asia |
Nadia Maharani &
Muhammad Zhafran
Hibrizi | Discourse Analysis of Transformative Justice
Practices towards the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) through Mahardika Muda Organization in Solok Regency |
Abdul Haseeb N | Adopting International Criminal Justice in South Asia: Retributive Justice, Restorative Justice or No Justice at All? |
Shradha Khanal | The Chure Crisis: Prosecuting Ecocide and Judicial Intervention in Expanding the Scope of Legal Accountability |
Dr. Aude Brejon | Impartiality and Fight against Transnational Crimes in South East Asia |
Huge thanks also to the brilliant UNAND Academic Workshop Committee, including:
Vice Dean II Faculty of Law, Universitas Andalas | Dr. Hengki Andora, S.H., LL.M. |
Dean Faculty of Law, Universitas Andalas | Dr. Ferdi, S.H., M.H. |
Vice Dean I Faculty of Law, Universitas Andalas | Dr. Nani Mulyati, S.H., M.C.L. |
Advisors | Dr. Edita Elda, S.H., M.H Sri Okta, S.H., PhD |
Project Officer | Dayu Medina, S.H., M.H. |
Secretary | Nazwa Amalia |
Event | Iftikhar Galizaki Muhammad Shiddiq Putra |
Logistics | Nanda Fajar Oetomo Pamuji Muhammad Genta |
Finance | Riaprima Puspa Reni, S.Kom |
Media, Creative, and IT | Ermen Saptoni, S.Kom Ardi Amri, S.H Anreza Fadli |
Receptionists | Dr. Wetria Fauzi, S.H., M.Hum Dr. Syofiarti, S.H., M.H. Dr. Siska Elvandari, S.H., M.H. |
Transport | Yulidar, S.H. Sukirwan, S.T. Riki Putra Intrisman Yogi Hardi Saputra |
Liaison Officers | Syahrani Anggraini Teguh Aulia Prinaldi Najmi Nasyithalillah Muhammad Ghanar |